Monday, December 1, 2008

Caning the Buffalo Killers

Wow. What a year. Did you know that this is absolutely a once-in-a-lifetime chance? And I can see why.

Do you know what caning is. No, yes? Well, I'll tell you anyway. If a teacher is upset, (mostly for no reason), he/she will tell, (not ask) a student to go and get them a stick (from a tree). If you get a thin, long stick, be prepared for it to sting your bottom. The teacher will tell you to "Get in position" then "Whack"! This goes on for at least three more times (unless a teacher is really annoyed). I hate this. First of all, this teaches the child nothing (except for the fact that the teacher likes caning). Two, the child is very humiliated, (which tends to be the teacher's point).

Another thing (since I still have some time), is that people here should improve their English. There's this thing called "Buffalo Making" (Mbogo = buffalo). This is when a person speaks using improper grammar in a spoken sentence. For example. Amon, (a boy in my S1 Class), deserves a gold medal for the "Buffalo Killer of the Year" award. This is why: "You have lied me." (leaving out "to"). " Your eyes is paining you." "Tomorrow, if you stole a pen..." These are the most common: mixing tenses, incomplete sentences, etc. It' s ridiculous!!


Mykyia said...

Hi Bry'Chell!

I finally found time to read your blog and actually leave a comment! So how is my Coo Coo Ba doing? I miss you terribly! I'll be glad when you get back so you can see the new apartment. It's kind of small but it's ours without the added people and stress! The kids like it as well even though they don't like to admit it. Mykyia makes everything seem so bleak. She doesn't have any friends in school, no one wants to be her friend, she doesn't like this, she doesn't like that. Personally I think she's starting the teenage drama before her time. I think she's having more fun than she's telling me.

Dazha and Bryzhane doesn't fight as much anymore which is a blessing and Akasha cries at the drop of a dime over everything and Andre is such a boy. He likes to run, stomp and play like any other boy. They play a lot in the house and mess it up a lot. You would think I never taught them home training but that is how they act sometimes.

Something funny: Mykyia and Bryzhane was teasing Dazha for not wanting to watch a scary movie but when the movie was over (The Eye with Jessica Alba which isn't really scary) Mykyia asked Dazha to walk her to the bathroom in case she might see something. When Dazha wouldn't do it she asked Akasha. They're a trip.

They all miss you and can't wait to see you when you get back. Take care and we love you.

Toody wants you to call her (773)503-5924

Love you and I am very proud of you!


Bry'Chell said...

You made a buffalo mommy: Dazha and Bryzhane doesn't fight... You do know that's improper grammar? Also, it's Ya ku ku ba. Anyway, That was funny. That just shows that neither of them should watch "scary" movies. Mwe,(you people) I miss you!!!!
Something Funny: I woke up and looked at my complexion on my arms. I looked,(and still do) like a burnt pancake!!
Is Toody still in school? Love, Bry